Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Well that's Blackberries, Sidekicks, Treos, any PDA or cell phone for that matter. You will thank me for the tip later. So I doubt that this is glamorous and lacks information you may find in a fashion mag. But I felt inclined to share, I have been coming down with a cold for the past couple of days. And tonight loved ones, it has finally gotten the best of me. Which prompted me to think, " Who in the heck has been around me with their nasty germs?" It is neither here nor there at this point. But it got me to thinking about how many germs we come in contact with on the reg. It's pretty disgusting when you think about people who refuse to wash their paws after coming from the loo. So do me a favor. Make sure you aren't one of those people.Next every so often (I do it every other day at least), swipe down your phone with a clorox wipe or something comparable. I have had many a break out on my cheek, where I'm sure my dirty phone was a contributing factor, typing countless texts and emails. When I do wipe it down, it is pretty gross, usually revealing foundation and blush from the days prior.I'm sure there is plenty that we don't see! At any rate, I should be back to normal after a day of rest. We will talk about something more stimulating than electronics.

Good night!


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