Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wait....let me fix my hair!

I was recently asked by one of my good friends how did I style my hair while growing out my relaxer.It was kind of difficult to explain in 140 characters on twitter...So I thought it would be fitting to blog about it.Let me just start off by saying, I am not anti relaxer...I wore a relaxer for years.But one day I decided that I didn't want my hair bone straight any more.

That began a 10 month long transition.I would most often shampoo my hair once a week.Followed by a deep conditioner.After which I would 2-strand twists my hair back in about 10 twists. I then would sleep with a satin bonnet, the next day take down the twists.I pretty much did this the entire time.Occasionally I would pull it back on ponytail/bun.I never straightened it with heat, as you have to pretty much train your new growth to not be straight.
Several months in I needed a change, and decided to get hair sewn in. I wore this for a little over a month.

And a night before an interview in NYC I decided to take it out.Bad idea.After I removed all of the tracks I proceeded to wash my hair.Only to realize it was one HUGE dread lock.My bad for not combing and detangling before washing. With a 6am train to catch the following morning, I didn't have time to fight with my hair...I found scissors and I've been nappy every since!


Monday, October 26, 2009

Forever Young

YES.It's true. I am approaching thirty....and I don't look a day over 17.Then I woke up.For those that may not know,the environment is the single biggest cause of aging.This includes pollutants in the air,and the worst of them all the SUN! You can do many things to prevent free radical damage , such as wearing SPF, staying away from tanning beds,smoking, and a healthy diet.And after all of those things, you still need to repair and prevent with great skin care.One of my areas of concern is the eye area.I do not have extreme signs of aging, but this area is usually where you see it first.So recently I have had the opportunity to try Sheseido Benefiance anti-wrinkle eye cream .I am hooked.It hydrates so well that I only use it at night.Dehydrated skin more often shows signs of aging.I also suffer from constant under eye puffiness (Thanks Dad!) and this has helped. In comparison to many other brands the price tag is moderate. You can find out more information at Sephora and other major retailers.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Radiance you want. Radiance you get.

My latest obsession.Aveeno Positively Radiant Cleanser ,with moisture rich soy extract, you can't go wrong.I have used more cleansers than you can imagine,and I rank this higher than most department store lines.It removes make up, and is hardly stripping.Soy extract also helps with hyperpigmentation.Additionally, I use the positively radiant cleansing pads every few days. One side of the pad cleanses and the other exfoliates, dreamy!Check your local drug store for availability and of course sales on the brand!Let me know what things you have tried from Aveeno and what your thoughts are.


Sunday, October 18, 2009


I'm baccckkkk. I just wanted to share with you a blog I've been following. This woman's sense of style is,well,kind of hard to put into words,amazing is an understatement.She mixes high and low from Anthropologie
to Forever 21
If you appreciate fashion and art.....look no further.

The Hidden Seed

P.S. Her photo backdrops are reason #2467 why I love this blog.