Friday, March 5, 2010

School Daze! Good and Bad hair...

I'm hoping most of my readers have watched Spike Lee's "School Daze" at some point in there life.. if not I encourage you to! In fact go watch all of his movies, all definite must haves in your DVD collection, in my opinion.
With all the "good hair bad hair" things going on I thought about this scene from the movie...He exposed the whole good hair, light skin dark skin foolishness long before Chris Rock's "Good Hair". I loved this scene! Although on my college campus, the wonderful South Carolina State University, I don't remember this type of stigma...I'm sure it existed.

After you watch this I encourage you to love what makes you stand out, there are so many different flavors of woman of color... and I embrace every aspect of it. My black is beautiful!!!

Nappy, curly hair don't care!!!


P.S. I am not some militant natural hair rocker... I had a beautiful, thick, healthy head of relaxed hair for YEARS. I wanted a change... end of story.

1 comment:

Jazz said...

I loved this movie!!!!