Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Just in case...

I'm militant about washing my face before bed. Incapacitated, inebriated, or sick make up comes off. I know there are a few people who don't  *clutches pearls* .

Enter Skyn Iceland Glacial cleansing cloths.....for those of you having trouble with the face routine at night, keep these in your night stand. You don't need water, they are oil free and don't leave your greasy. They remove everything, even my waterproof Loreal black liquid liner. Your face doesn't feel stripped.

For you gym bunnies, they are excellent to keep in your bag, if you need to remove make up prior to hitting that spinning class.



Sweetfaceluxe said...

Love it! Im need more awaiting your skin regi for the recessionista in mind XOXO!

Unknown said...

Thank you. I've never heard of the,, but I'm always willing to try something new.

I'm hosting a giveaway.. feel free to enter.
100 Follower Giveawy - Win MAC Riveting Items

Makeup by Kim Porter

Weddings and Pretty Things said...

Absolutely adorable! I can't BELIEVE I've never seen School Daze (quiet as kept). I'm netflixing ASAP!